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What is the difference in performance between forging and casting
发布日期:2020-09-13 11:24:00 点击数:985新闻来源:
Processing method  The final properties are all different. Casting is a process of pouring molten metal into a pre-made cavity, and forming the required shape after solidification; while forging is the process of heating the hot red to a certain state (not yet The molten block metal is put into the cavity and given a certain pressure to obtain the required product shape. The forging method mentioned above belongs to die forging.  Casting is divided into: pressure casting, investment manufacturing, metal mold casting, low pressure casting, ceramic mold casting, centrifugal casting, solid mold casting,             magnetic casting, continuous casting, vacuum casting, squeeze casting, graphite casting. Forging is divided into: free forging, tire die forging, die forging, precision forging, extrusion, upsetting and rolling forging.  The raw materials used for casting and forging are different. Forging can not be used for brittle materials, and forging can only be made of plastic materials. The raw materials for casting are: gray cast iron, ductile iron, malleable cast iron, carbon steel, alloy steel, various bronzes, aluminum alloys, stainless steel, etc. The raw materials for forging are: medium and low carbon steel, alloy steel, copper and copper alloy, aluminum alloy, magnesium alloy, titanium alloy, stainless steel, etc.
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